Downloadable historical event data

Would love to see that Historical Event Data become downloadable - still a very usable portion of the site and personally, one of the reasons I visit DG as must as I do.

We are going to redo that page in the near future and include more options. It will look similar to live tournament stats page, except you’ll be able to choose event/year. API/download options will be available.


That is going to be great – and super useful. Looking forward to it.

It would be nice to get player earnings for each event included in the historical event data. Currently, im scraping them from the PGA tour website for our one-and-done pool. Having a dedicated API would be much more reliable.

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Yeah a few one-and-doners have asked about this. Would it be fine to just have this going forward (i.e. a feed that updates each week) or do you want an historical feed as well?

Just going forward would be fine.