Welcome to the Data Golf Forum!

Welcome to the Data Golf forum – a place for datagolf.com users to interact, share insights, and provide feedback to us (@will_courchene and @matt_courchene).

If you are registered on datagolf.com, simply click “Log In” and we’ll use your existing account to automatically register you to the forum. Your email is not visible to anyone on the forum. Once you are logged in, you can change your username in preferences. If you don’t want to be registered on the forum, and just want to browse around, don’t click Log In. Email us if you have questions/concerns.

  • Everyone is welcome, whether you’re a datagolf.com subscriber or not.
  • This forum will serve as a place to discuss the Data Golf website and content, share code snippets, and dig into golf, programming, and statistics more generally.
  • It will hopefully spark constructive debates and discussions where new ideas and methods are formed that allow us all to leave with a little more knowledge than we arrived with.
  • Please be respectful towards everyone. Remember that we all have varying backgrounds in golf, statistics, programming, and life.