US Open Qualifying

Started today at 3 locations with Ishikawa, Kawamoto and Shimuzo getting through in Japan.

They are also playing today for nine spots at Walton Health in England and at Dallas Athletic Club for 11 spots. There will be 10 more qualifiers June 3rd.

Sergio, Ancer, Ortiz and a few other LIV players are playing at the Dallas location now, with Patrick Reed a WD. Does anybody know if and where Niemann and Mean Dean will be trying to qualify?

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Ishikawa a qualifying warrior. Back to back years!

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At the bears club in Jupiter. Niemann, Dean Bermester, Branden Grace, Anirban Lahiri, Graeme McDowell, Mito Pereira, Charl Schwartzel, Cameron Tringale and Peter Uihlein, Berger, Kuchar and Luke Donald.

Rooting against LIV players in USO qualifying is becoming a favorite annual tradition of mine.